man and woman talking basket of vegetables food gargening

Is Plant-Based on a Budget Even Possible? My Journey

Eating a plant based diet is an amazing and healthy way of eating that I wanted to learn more about. Do I did some research.

Eating a plant based diet on a budget can be the most cost effective way to get as many nutrients in your body for the cheapest price. The price of a pound of frozen broccoli compared to a pound of ground beef is over 50% less.

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True story:

Every morning, I wake up and listen to an audiobook for 20 minutes while I drink a big glass of water. It gives me a jump on my water that I desperately need and puts some motivation and positivity into my brain before I check social media and emails.

I’m listening to High-Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard on audiobook and last week something he said struck a chord.

One of the habits is energy.

For the next 3 days I thought about energy. I’m tired all the time. I heard myself saying many times during the day (inside my head and outside) how tired I was.

And I did some inner searching and realised I was so tired because I wasn’t putting the right food into my body. My weight is up (and has been for many years) which just doesn’t help.

4.5 years ago, my mom had a heart attack. She was able to come home with medications and a plan. Four months after that, my dad died of a heart attack.

Cutting out some of the story here to make it more “digestible” for you, I woke up early last Monday, took $200 out of the miscellaneous envelope and went grocery shopping.

I spent $136 on fruits, vegetables, beans, and some nuts. For 90 days, I am going 100% plant based. No oil, no sugar, no salt, no dairy, no meat…all nutrient packed, vitamin full, good for me food to heal. At 48, it’s time to get serious.

Honestly, I’m just tired of being tired. That’s my true motivation.

What does this long story have to do with money?

Two things.

  1. Investing in yourself is ok. Taking that $136 out of my misc envelope and buying those really good foods is a good thing. It’ll beat the cost of illness down the road.
  2. Eating healthy does not have to be expensive. Going plant based is HARD when you like bacon and cheese. But meat is not cheap. A bag of frozen broccoli is about a dollar. This is going to be the cheapest grocery plan I can think of.

Plant Based for Weight Loss

Let’s face it. The majority of the population needs to lose weight. The statistics on this are not good. Processed foods including sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, and all the other things on the list are killing us.

We know this.

How do we get passed the struggles of starting something that we know we need to do yet doesn’t sound that great for us?

Motivation comes from action. Reading other stories, watching videos and documentaries, reading books – they all help to transform our mindset and get excitied about our ne journey.

Science is a real thing. Weight loss comes from consuming less calories than you eat.

However, not all calories are created equal. 100 calories of spinach is different than 100 calories of salt and vinegar potato chips.

I want to get the biggest bang for my buck when it comes to healing my body. I want to FEEL GOOD, first and loose weight second.

Nutrient Density

Nutrient density identifies the amount of nutritional value in a food compared to calories, weight and detrimental nutrients in that food. Basically, the biggest bang for your buck.

So a bund of spinach has a large nutrient density. It will fill your stomach, give you all the micronutrients you need, and have the least amount of calories for maximum weight loss.

Most vegetables are nutrient dense and the best option to feed your body. Raw is best.

What Is A Plant Based Diet?

A plant based diet is a way of eating that eliminates all animal products. This means no dairy (including cheese) and no meat. All fruits, vegetables, breads, nuts, seeds, pasta, and grains are allowed.

I’m taking this a step further (because any type of carbs gives me tremendous heartburn) and skipping those carbs.

I’m also eliminting salt, sugar, and oils because there is no nutritional value to those things and a lot of negative health concerns attached.

Plant Based On A Budget

Meat is not cheap. Am I right? A pound of vegetables can cost you $3 where a pound of ground beef can cost twice that amount.

Every article you read on how to cut costs on your grocery budget takls about cutting down on meat or Meatless Mondays.

Rice, pasta and beans are a pantry staple.

I have not found a cheaper way to live than a plant based diet. Add the concept of growing your own food, and you can reduce your grocery budget down to a few packs of seeds.

Plant Based Essentials

As I go forward on this healthy lifestyle journey, I’ve come across some items that have been really helpful in navigating these waters. Purchasing these items from Amazon has made this journey a little less complicated and I think you might find them helpful also.

Eat to Live

This book has been my guide. I read this YEARS ago when my friend Sara (I call her “Younger Sara” she calls me “Elder Sara” ☺️ ) recommended it but I’ll be darned if I could find it. So I ordered it again. Its been really helpful.

Mini Food Processor

I got this because I’m making my own salad dressings. I have a big Vitamix blender but when you’re making a small portion to test, the big blender is just too big.

Salt Free Seasonings

The biggest challenge for me so far is the no salt component. I never thought I had an issue with salt before this but I am still really missing it. These Mrs. Dash seasonings are super helpful.

Non Stick Frying Pan

I’m not using oil so my trusty cast iron frying pan is a little more challenging when stir-frying or sauteing veggies. This nonstick pan is much better.


I struggle in the evening with snacking. I’m grateful for a fruity hot tea in the evenings. It gives me a warm, comfort beverage tosip on instead of snacking. These are super yummy.

Plant Based Protein Powder

Adding this to a fruit and veggie smoothie helps me feel full. It tastes great and is good for me.