26 Tips To Declutter Your House In One Day

Nobody wants to spend all their time cleaning the house. Running short on time, you may want to run in the opposite direction from any idea of decluttering your home.

Escaping from the chores is not a solution if you want to eliminate clutter. Finding different ways to speed up the cleaning routine can help you finish the tasks faster. Here, we will discuss the tips and tricks on decluttering your house in one day.

Steps to Declutter Your House

You have planned to tidy your home within a day’s timeframe. To make it a success, you need to implement strategies that will help you save time and make the most out of your decluttering plan.

Here are some steps to declutter your house:

Set your goals and gather supplies

Make a plan of how you are going to declutter. Gather garbage bags, boxes, bins, tape, and markers to store or dispose of the items you no longer want in your home.

Make a list and focus on your goals for the day, crossing them off as you go.

Pick A Day

Once you have defined your goals, get ready to reach them. Pick one uninterrupted day and block your time to get it done. Make sure you have the entire day available with minimal distractions. That might mean sending the rest of the family out for a day’s adventure so you can have the whole house to yourself.

Remove everything that is not necessary.

If you haven’t used something in the past year, the chances are that you will not use them in the coming years.  Go through clothes, toys, kitchen equipment, and storage closets.  Discard such items and make your space clutter-free fast.

Donate unwanted but valuable clutter.

You might want to consider donating the items that somebody else can use. If things are still functional but you can’t use them, donate to a local thrift store or a good cause. 

Designate spots for each category.

When you don’t have places designated for each category of items, you tend to keep them here and there. It creates too much clutter in your drawers and on flat surfaces. Having specified places will help you stay more organized with everything in your house.  Everything in your home has a home.  If it doesn’t, it might be a sign to get rid of it.

Consider some help to pass the time.

Turn on some great music, a favorite funny movie, podcast, or a favorite playlist from YouTube to listen to while you work.  It will make the tasks more fun, and the time goes faster.

Make quick decisions.

Don’t mess around while making a decision. How often do you use the item? Does it fit or work? Yes or no. Keep or get rid of it.  

Give it a home.

To keep something, you should have a home for it.  If you don’t have room for another book, you should rethink your decision to keep it.

Wrap it up

You need to put the donated items in your car, take out the garbage, and put away all the things that need a home, but you also have to put away every item used: the tape, markers, and garbage bags you’re finished with. Leave no object behind. Make sure you take care of any stragglers left behind. Complete the tasks.  

Why Decluttering the House is Important

Decluttering your home is the first step to keeping a clean environment. It’s easy to maintain a house with less stuff. 

It also has a positive impact on your health. Other stuff like furniture, toys, or kitchen equipment can catch dust, making it difficult to keep them clean daily. The fewer the things to collect dust, the better your health from all those allergens.

There are many benefits to decluttering your home. It makes your home look beautiful and pleasant, it lessens your frequent cleaning tasks, fewer things to organize and reorganize, and most importantly, speeds up your chores.

Can I declutter my house in one day?

Sometimes, the house gets so cluttered that we get overwhelmed and have no idea how and where to start. When you have limited time, you must gear up and finish maximum tasks within a short timeframe. With some effective decluttering techniques, you can speed up your cleaning job

You can implement these hacks and declutter your home in one day. That’s possible.

How do you declutter your house in one day?

You don’t need any fancy tools to declutter your house. Some simple methods and tricks help you easily remove all that clutter from your rooms. Here are some tips for decluttering your home in a day.

Plan ahead

You must plan your day when you want to declutter your house in one day. Planning your chores will help you get a day free for decluttering.

Plan Your Decluttering Method

Choosing a suitable decluttering method is essential when you have just a day to declutter your home. You can go by category or room to maximize your time.

Categories of clutter

  • Books
  • Dishes
  • Furniture
  • Jewelry
  • Clothing
  • Bedding and Blankets
  • Kids’ Clothes
  • Toys
  • Craft Supplies
  • Kitchen Utensils
  • Shoes
  • Food

Take out items of each type. Then sort them into sub-categories, KEEP, DONATE, SELL, and TRASH. You may add as many categories as possible and implement a category-type decluttering plan.

Whatever is helpful or valuable, you can keep it. And if it no longer serves you, your family, or your home, you can let it go.

Room By Room Decluttering Method

When you don’t want to work through the categories, you can choose the purge-by-room method. Start with a single room and purge room by room, including all bedrooms, the kids’ bedroom, play area, office, bathroom, kitchen, and living room. You must select a space to start with and then dive in.

The room-by-room method is my favorite method for decluttering. It makes tasks easier than categorizing things from the whole house and gathering them in one place. Starting from one side of the house and moving ahead to the next makes chores more manageable. And the satisfaction of completely decluttering one room makes me happier.

Another reason to go for the room-by-room method is that when I feel like taking a small rest, I have some rooms ready to take a water break in between. 

KonMari Method

Another popular method of tidying your home is the KonMari method. A pro organizer Marie Kondo discovered this method as she was fascinated with organizing things around her. KonMari’s method focuses on the category-by-category approach, not the room-by-room one. The method focuses on tidying up something in one go rather than the step-by-step decluttering schedule that can make you procrastinate. 

Marie Kondo believes in a philosophy, “Decluttering is about what you need to keep in your life, not what you need to take out.” And it means to keep things with you that spark joy; everything else needs elimination.

Some of the questions Marie Kondo suggests we ask are:

  • What purpose does this item fulfill?
  • Do I have a set home for this item?
  • Am I showing enough gratitude toward this item?
  • Does this item spark joy?

Declutter the Toys

Toys have memories. Our kids have played with them, and we have seen them growing up with their favorite toys. Kids need toys, but they don’t need the clutter of toys.

They can be content with fewer toys that make them happy and not the ones thrown all over, taking up space. 

Sell or trash whatever they don’t play with. Filling the kids’ room with toys does not make sense. Rather be mindful and keep the ones that are valuable and useful.

Keep Away The Emotional Tangling

We, as humans, are attached to several things around us. Emotional tangling with things culminates in clutter. By controlling your emotions, you can get rid of all the old and unwanted stuff. Consider taking photos of the things you may have emotional attachments to and creating a photo book to look back on.

Eliminate Surface Clutter

From the dining room table to kitchen counters, surfaces attract much clutter throughout the day. It is not because it has some magical pull, but because we are too lazy and tired to put things away.

How do I get rid of surface clutter? Does it seem to be overwhelming to keep tidying them again and again? More often, try to eliminate surface clutter, including dining room tables, kitchen surfaces, nightstands, and bathroom surfaces.  Spend 15 minutes daily checking those hot spots for things that don’t belong. It’s easier to spend a few minutes a day keeping on top of it rather than spending an entire day deep decluttering your home.

How to Declutter Fast

When you decide the timeframe for tidying up your home, you need to be fast in your actions. Don’t spend much time in one category or room.

Decide how much time you have for your entire house and divide that number by the number of rooms.  Ideally, you should not spend more than 30 minutes on any of them.

Things you have not used in the past six months need a hard look.  Practically speaking, you won’t need most of the items.

Here are a few tips on the rooms that tend to be the most cluttered.


Minimize the gadgets in your kitchen. Move all the non-kitchen items out of the kitchen and make it clutter-free fast. Try to replace large and bulky items with smaller ones, and it’s better to use multi-purpose gadgets that you can use for several things.


All those clothes you don’t fit into can now go to the recycling or donating bin. You can sell or donate them to make extra space in your closet. Having a capsule wardrobe can make your life easier as you won’t keep piling up many clothes in your wardrobe repeatedly.


If your bathroom countertops are always filled with beauty essentials, hairdryers, and personal care items, you must organize them. You can use canisters to store loose items in the bathroom. Other miscellaneous items can go to trays or drawers. 

Installing wall-mounted holders like soap dispensers helps save space and keep the bathroom surfaces clutter-free.

What room should I declutter first?

If you are overwhelmed with decluttering your house in one day, you need to take a deep breath. Then, decide on the room to start with purging first. 

I would first start from the highly cluttered places, and it can be my kitchen or bathroom. It’s easier to move ahead with all other house corners after the high-traffic areas of my house.

Recognize the high-cluttered areas of your home and plan accordingly.

Final Thoughts on How to Declutter Your House in One Day

The information is everything you need to know to declutter your house in one day. It might sound overwhelming, but you do this. Be mindful of each item and use the proper techniques, and you’ll breeze through your decluttering process. 

Your home has been decluttered; stay on top of it daily, so you never have to do it again.

There will be no more stress, anxiety, or guilt over the state of your home.

How do you feel about taking on this challenge? Are you ready to simplify your life by eliminating some excess baggage?

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