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Are you ready to stop spending so much money on groceries and still have nothing to eat?

If I took a peek into your dinner time frenzy, would I find:

Someone making multiple trips to the grocery store each week just for 1 or 2 days worth of food at a time?

A tired, busy person standing in front of the white light of the refrigerator hoping elves pop out with a ready-made dinner?

Way too many take out Chinese food boxes, Mexican taco wrappers, and pizza boxes overflowing your garbage can?

It’s time to take the anxiety out of meals, cooking, and grocery budgeting and enjoy this time with family and friends.

Even if it feels like you are wasting hundreds of dollars each week at the grocery store and the thought of meal planning makes you wish you were getting a root canal instead.

You have tried spending countless hours on those sites to learn to coupon, gone to different cheaper stores, and ordered meal planning printable off those other blogs.

But you still find yourself spending way too much money and standing in the glow of the refrigerator light night after night.

Well, I’m here to tell you…

It’s not your fault.  

You’re trying and doing your best.

You see, those systems are flawed and they just don’t work for you. You are busy and have a lot of stuff going on in your life.

Nobody has time for all of the coupon clipping, running from store to store, and spending hours browsing Pinterest for new recipes.

This is why you need a system that’s motivation enough to keep you focused, on track, and on budget created by someone who gets you and understands your life.



This eBook and workbook is everything you need to trim your grocery budget to under $200 a month for your family of four, take control of the food in your home, and stay away from those to-go containers once and for all (unless its a planned night of fun).

It’s Time To Feel Like A Meal Planning Rockstar!

{What’s Included}

Includes a grocery shopping and meal cooking plan of attack.


Here’s what you get:

  • Detailed instructions on how to grocery shop
  • A list of ideas for breakfast and lunch
  • A step by step guide on how to meal plan
  • One month of dinners
  • Pages of easy, non-complicated recipes
  • A grocery list with actual cost comparisons showing you how you can save up to 58% on your grocery budget.


  • Meal planning printables
  • Master printable grocery list
  • Wholesale Club List
  • Favorite meal printables
  • Pantry and freezer inventory pages

Some FAQ’s

I live in a very expensive area.  Can I apply these concepts?

You sure can.  But, as prices differ where you live, it might not come in at that $200 mark.  But I am confident your grocery costs will be reduced.

I have dietary restrictions.  Will this plan work for me?

Yup.  But please make the necessary changes as needed.  Speak to a medical professional if you have any questions.

How do I get the eBook and Workbook?

​The planner is downloaded and delivered right to your inbox.  It is a digital download so nothing will be shipped so there are no refunds.

Now is the BEST time to buy!

The discount offer is available to you as a subscriber.

It’s only $7


That’s TWELVE DOLLARS off the regular price!

Just use the Coupon Code


All caps.  No spaces.

Let this be the very first step you take to be organized, less stressed and ready for every single meal.  

Say goodbye to that frazzled anxious person standing in front of the white light of the refrigerator.

And hello to organized, healthy cooking, cheaper grocery -budget goddess that deep down, you really want to be!

This exclusive offer is over 50% off the regular price offered to only you.  Nobody else who comes to the shop will get this deal.  

Grab it now before this offer goes away for only $7.

woman happy holding salad