When frugal is in your genetic makeup, and it is a part of who you are, you have no choice. It is like having brown eyes or a mole on your right cheek. It is a unique part of you.
Everyone who knows you know about it. If your friends had to describe you to a stranger, it would be in the descriptive words – five foot three inches, a little chubby, brown shoulder length hair, brown eyes, smiles a lot, wears glasses and FRUGAL.
What is wrong with the sandals you already have? Didn’t you just buy a coffee yesterday?”
What makes it even harder is when you have these thought going through your head while you listen to your husband talk, you hear “What do you mean you spent $6 on a wrench?
1. Wanting a pedicure but knowing I have two weeks left before my budgeted scheduled time.
2. Craving a Starbucks grande soy latte but knowing I already spent my fun money for this pay period.
Here are my ten least favorite things about being frugal.