Using The Half Payment Budget Method Paycheck To Paycheck

What if we could live paycheck to paycheck on purpose and create a life of financial freedom?

Many feel the negative connotation of living paycheck to paycheck as a bad thing when it could benefit us.

We live paycheck to paycheck on purpose.  We create a budget for all the things we want and need to pay for within the month.

However, each paycheck has its very own budget.

Essentially, a zero-based budget is a budget that has no money left when you are finished deciding where it goes.  Giving every dollar a place in the budget enables complete control over your money.

What Is A Zero Based Budget?

For example, If your budget an entire month out and you have $180 left over, you cannot just let it sit there without a name.

If it doesn’t have a name and a purpose, it will disappear.  Even if you name that $180 miscellaneous or cushion, it has a name and a purpose.

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