How to Make More Money Legitimately During Inflation

I write about saving money.  How to save money on your grocery bill or why you should cut out cable to get out of debt.  But what about making more money?

There are so many ways to make more money legitimately – some right from your living room and others outside your space.

If you live near a college and you have an empty room (or can make those two teen boys bunk together) you can make some serious money.

Host A College Student.

The most amazing cookies sugar cookies you have ever had come from a lady who does it for fun as a side hustle.  She gets $25 per dozen for these cookies.  It comes on a beautiful display plate and they are both delicious and gorgeous!


I heard of a father and son team that had vending machines.  They bought a couple machines for about $100 each used on eBay and each evening, they would go to local businesses and stock them.

Vending Machines.

When her children were small, she started cleaning offices at night when her husband would come home from work and as they got older and went to school, she added some houses during the day.


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