21 Easy And Simple Ways To Find Debt Payoff Motivation
Where does debt payoff motivation come from?
You’re lying in bed wide awake, and you just can’t sleep…again. You look at the clock, and it’s 2:43 am. Your brain is on a continuous loop, and you can’t get it to stop.
Well, first, so you can sleep at night. And also, so you can live the life you want; pay for college for those kids, have a nice nest egg for retirement, or travel to Italy.
If you don’t dig deep and do some real soul searching to know what and who you are doing this for, you will never follow through.
What is it about debt freedom that appeals to you?
Daydream about what your life would look like if you did not owe anyone anything. What would you do? Where would you go? How would you feel? Now live it.
Make a list of all your debt from smallest to largest. And then work on paying off the smallest debt first. This is called the debt snowball method, and it works on a psychological level.