10 Best Stay Home Date Night Ideas

Keeping the romance in your relationship alive when you are trying to get out of debt is not easy.  Yet it’s one of the most important things we can do.  Spending time with your husband, wife or partner should be at the top of our priority list (right under “pay off debt”).

My husband and I go out on date night twice a month.  But lately, we have not been able to do that so we have had to come up with at home fun.  I have been giving this a lot of thought.

Find a complicated meal and tackle it together.  Chose something you might order when going out to a restaurant and include your favorite appetizers and a dessert. Also, include your favorite beverage.

-Cook Together

With all of the streaming companies out there, I sure you can find something you both like.  My cable company offers newer releases at about $4 a movie.  Don’t forget the snacks and popcorn.

-Watch a Movie

This is something we haven’t done in so long.  Grab a favorite bottle of wine and play some Uno!

-Play Cards

Grab some canvases, stater paint kits and pull up a video on youtube.  Then pour a favorite beverage and see who does a better job!

-Paint and Sip

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