Having a zero-based budget for your family gives you 100% control over all of your personal finances. It allows you to allocate every cent to achieve the money goals you deem most important.
What is a Zero Based Budget?
The term zero based budget originated in business. It was a spending plan that businesses and corporations used to allocate their spending, keeping the company, employees, and shareholders happy.
Budgeting is one of those things. I can tell you that without it, I feel like my life’s in chaos. Giving order and structure to your financial life is not a punishment or a restriction. It’s just the opposite.
Pull out all your bank statements or pull them up in your online banking. Find the areas that you’re spending in and jot them down. Are you spending money on housing? How about grocery stores and restaurants? Maybe gas for your car and Amazon.
How do You Make a Zero Based Budget for Your Family?