Ranked: 50 Tips To Save Money On Groceries Without Using Coupons Story

We all know that food is our biggest expense behind housing in most households.  It is also the best place to reduce spending with the most flexibility.

Here are more than 60 ways I have found to reduce your spending and save on groceries.

Although coupons can help save money, it requires a lot of time and a lot of running from store to store.

How to Cut Your Grocery Bill Without Using Coupons

Utilize freezer

freeze everything!  Leftovers, fruit that has been ignored, three tablespoons of leftover veggies, chicken bones to name a few.

cut up your own apples, slice up your own mushrooms, dice up your own potatoes.

Prep your own food

Create a meal plan

Did you know I love to plan? But I also love to give myself enough room to be a little spontaneous.

Do not buy prepackaged foods

not only is it more expensive, you never know the effects boxed mac and cheese can have on your body.

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