37 Frugal Pantry Staples On A Small Budget

Having a stocked pantry of the items that you can throw together for a quick dinner will save you. When you open up the cupboard, you can easily pull out a box of pasta and a jar of sauce and grab a pound of frozen ground beef or meatballs; it will save you time.

When you open up the cupboard, you can easily pull out a box of pasta and a jar of sauce and grab a pound of frozen ground beef or meatballs; it will save you time.

Frugal Pantry Staples On A Small Budget

A perfect supply to have in the pantry to use or everything from dessert to bread to a thickening agent for gravy.


I only have two different kinds of pasta, generally in my cupboard.  Elbow and spaghetti seem to be a universal stock-up pasta for us.  I only buy something else if needed for a particular recipe – like lasagna.




A great side dish or a way to stretch some meat and vegetables out.  Also, the perfect addition to a casserole.  I used to love to warm up leftover rice and add some brown sugar and milk to eat for breakfast.

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