How to Save Money as a Housewife: 33 Tips

Being a stay at home mom or homemaker is a job.  Taking care of your home and children is a lot of work. If you decide to work outside of the house or have a career and work from home, you now have TWO full-time jobs.

Today, I’m going to focus on the at-home job.  Here are some financial tips and ways to save money as a housewife and stay at home moms.

I understand.  I was once there.  When my boys were little, this was me.  I was very grateful to be able to stay at home with those babies and take care of our home. But, when you hear someone talk about their money, meaning they earned it and worked hard for that money, it gives you a sense of determination to make sure that money goes as far as it can to make the life that you both want.

My Husband Makes All The Money

Communication is critical when being on the same page financially. You must know where each of you stands with money.  Who’s better with all the numbers?  Who is better at making sure bills are paid on time?  Are your finances and debt a priority?

How To Manage Joint Finances

Sit down and plan your finances together.  Designate all of these tasks, and each person needs to know where the money is going.


Long term goals and short term goals are equally important.  Make sure these goals include money goals like saving for a Disney Vacation in the fall and Retirement goals.

Move to a More Affordable Place

Set Goals Together

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