This budgeting strategy of paying your bills a month ahead of time will give you a comfortable cushion by saving money, then reorienting your budget so that you live on last month’s income.
Cut back on all unnecessary spending in order to catch up and get current. Eat at home and shop your pantry, freezer, and cupboards before spending a the grocery store.
Take the right steps to create a budget. Do the work to prepare and be intentional with where you spend your money. Show where your values lie with your proposed spending.
To live on last month’s income, you save up enough money to cover your expenses for one month. Once you have created this budget “cushion,” you use it to pay your current bills.
b) stick to that budget. I strongly recommend using a zero-based budget, where you give every single penny you earn a job.
When you are using last month’s income for this month’s bills, you will feel confident knowing you can pay all of your bills on time.