How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half and More Tips

Are you perplexed on how to cut your electric bill in half and save on all your utility bills?

Last month, I put out a little survey on Facebook asking what followers struggle with the most when it comes to finances.  I got a lot of really great answers and also, some fantastic topics for blog posts.

Save on Heating and Cooling

No matter what part of the country you live in, you are always going to need either heating or cooling.  Or like me, both.  Some heating and air conditioning units can be terrible energy hogs.

1. Make sure all windows are closed up tight when running your heat or air.  The last thing you want to do when paying for temperature control is to have it all go out the window!


2. In the summer, try sheer curtains, blinds or solar shades to keep the sun from warming up your room.  There is also a tinted window film that you can put on your storm door or windows, too.

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