How To Best Decide On Frugalism Vs Minimalism

Living in a small house, I often have no choice about the amount of stuff I own.  My entire being lean toward frugality, and I couldn’t imagine going through life any other way.

But can you do both?  I wonder and love the idea of exploring frugalism vs. minimalism to save money and make life just a little easier.

Frugalism is the act of living one’s life in a frugal manner.  Being thrifty, economical, sparing, or prudent on purpose to live your best life. Normally for purposes like saving money, reaching bigger goals, or financial independence.

What is Frugalism?

My husband likes to push my buttons.  But my maiden name is Bacon (like the breakfast food), so I have a thick skin.  He likes to say things like, “You are so CHEAP!” and “You are tighter than bark to a tree!” with a slight southern accent even though we live way upstate NY.

What Frugalism Is Not

Frugalism doesn’t mean you don’t like and appreciate high-end items.  I have a Michael Kors wallet and purse that I absolutely LOVE!  But, they came from the outlet mall, and I got them as a Christmas/Birthday gift (January Birthday up in here).

No Nice Things

It doesn’t mean you live a boring life and never have fun. It just means that you are intentional in your enjoyment.  If a vacation is what you want, then heck yes.

No Fun Allowed

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