How the Budget By Paycheck Method Works Story

We’ve all heard of living paycheck to paycheck…but what about budgeting from paycheck to paycheck?

Budget by Paycheck may not be talked about as often as some of the more popular budgeting plans, but it might be the perfect method for you.

Today we are going to talk all about the Budget by Paycheck method…the basics, pros and cons, and how to set one up.

What is the Budget by Paycheck Method?

The Budget by Paycheck method is a budget that is created based on your take home amount each paycheck.

It allows for closer monitoring: A monthly or yearly budget can be more difficult to track. A paycheck budget has you regularly checking in on your income and outgoing expenses.

Budgeting by Paycheck is helpful for several reasons:

It is flexible:

Since you are working with a shorter timeline for your budget, you can pivot more quickly to recover or reassess.

It doesn’t allow you to go off track as easily:

This close monitoring means that you have less time to stray too far from your budgeted amounts or financial goals.

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