Frugal Pantry Items You Need on Hand to Save You Money

I like to do a cleanse of sorts.  I like to call it The Great Pantry Challenge.

Essentially, I give myself $100 for the month to spend on groceries, but the majority of food comes from the refrigerator and the freezer.  But before that can happen, you need to live with some essential frugal pantry staples.

And you need to know how to build a frugal pantry

Why Do You Need A Stocked Pantry?

So you can save time, money, and your hair (because you aren’t pulling it out ant dinner time anymore).  Having a stocked pantry of the items that you can throw together a quick dinner will save you.

Here is a great list to get you started!

Basic Pantry Staples

Baking Supplies And Basic Ingredients Flour Sugar Baking Powder & Baking Soda

Dried Goods

Pasta Macaroni and Cheese Rice Beans Stock Oatmeal

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