65 Old Fashioned Living Tips to Help You Save Today

There are so many amazing tips we can learn from our grandparents, great grandparents, and even great-great-grandparents on how to live simple old fashioned lives.

Old fashioned living focuses on less spending, intention, simplicity, and more work but if you are trying to save money, get out of debt or just live a less complicated life, then you might find some great tips here.

Regardless of how much money you have, frugal living is not a terrible way to live. Understanding that you have personal finance goals that you would like to meet plays a roll in how frugal you intend to be.

Why Should We Adopt an Old Fashioned Way of Living?

If you are getting out of debt, a choice to live frugally and old fashioned will enable you to put every extra penny toward that debt, getting you out sooner. If you are saving for something special like a new car or pool, living frugally can help you save up for those things.

65 Old Fashioned Living Tips for you to Use Today

Cut up old blankets or towels to use as old rags. If you need to clean up a really gross mess, you won’t feel so bad about throwing the old stuff away.

Replace paper towels with old rags.

Watch less tv. I’ve heard it said that if you have time to watch tv, then you have time to create or learn something.

Cancel cable.

Protect your clothes from dirt, grease, and bleach. This is speaking from experience. My Grammy always wore an apron.

Wear an apron.

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