25 Best Budget Hacks for Beginners Story

So many people hold ill feelings to that six-letter word.  You know.  The ever so restrictive, unachievable, hard to grasp, math-phobic BUDGET!

Let me help you create a budget with these budget hacks.

Can I be honest with you?  A budget is just knowledge.  It’s knowledge about how much money you have coming in and deciding IN ADVANCE what you want to do with that money—deciding where it’s going at the beginning of the month instead of wondering at the end where it all went!

With every new project that you tackle, there must be a plan. If you are building a house, you have a blueprint. You might be baking a cheesecake; there’s undoubtedly a recipe.

Calculate your income for the month.

Creating A Budget

Add up all income from jobs as well as government benefits and child support. This includes any regular bonuses or side hustle money.

Add up all your monthly expenses.

This might take a few days.  I know for me, there are always those few that I forget about.  The ones that auto pay right out of the account are forgettable.Oatmeal

Subtract your expenses from your income.

If you have money left over, you are on the right track.  If you are in the negative (like many of the population), you need to do some work.

Swipe Up! There's lots more budgeting hacks to get to.

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