21 Simple Ways To Save Money At The Gas Pump

In today’s economy, saving money on gas is more important than ever. Here are 21 easy ways to save at the pump.

Good Debt vs Bad Debt

Combine errands. If you have multiple errands to run in one day, combine them into one trip instead of making several shorter trips. Plan your errands ahead of time.

Good Debt vs Bad Debt

Limit Driving

It may be tempting to put the pedal to the metal when you’re running late for an appointment, but speeding will cause you to use more gas than if you were driving the speed limit.

Drive The Speed Limit

If you have kids in school or activities, carpooling is a great way to limit driving. Find a couple of other moms nearby and take turns driving each other’s kids to and from school and activities.

Carpool With Other Moms

Several apps can help you find the cheapest gas prices in your area. GasBuddy or Gas Guru are popular apps that show you the lowest gas prices at nearby stations.

Use Gas Saving App

If you fill up your tank in the morning, you’ll avoid the rush hour traffic and save money on gas.

Fill Up Your Tank In The Morning

If you’re going to be stopped for more than 30 seconds, it’s best to turn off your engine.

Avoid Idling

Keep Your Car Maintenance Up To Date

Making sure your car is well-maintained can help you save money on gas. Regular oil changes and tune-ups will keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently, saving you money at the pump.


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