Grocery Shop Once A Month And Save Money Story

Once a month grocery shopping doesn’t have to be as complicated as it sounds.

It’s just planning out (in detail or rough guestimate) what you need to purchase for an entire month.

It doesn’t mean you can’t run out to get milk or bananas if you need them, but it does mean that the majority of your shopping is only done one time.

Tips to Grocery Shopping Once a Month on a Budget

Save Up Some Cash Skip a grocery trip or two (or four) and do a pantry challenge to save up some money to do the great grocery haul. The income tax return is also upon us, so if you could use some of that money to get a jump on it, that might be an option.

Stay hydrated and get it all done.  I understand this might be impossible for some, but if you can swing it, you’ll be able to concentrate on what you are doing to make the best choices.

Shop alone

Keep a running list

As you plan, keep a list of what you run out of.  This should be a permanent fixture in your kitchen.  Feel free to download my FREE Master Grocery List so you can circle what you need.

Plan meals

Start planning meals first from what you already have.  I have a post about Reverse Meal Planning that has some great information.

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