You Won’t Believe How Frugal Living Made Me Happier!
We have all heard the saying that money can’t buy happiness. I’ve always thought that, and I would like to give that theory a test run!
For the sake of the topic and time, let’s explore our financial happiness. How can you be frugal and happy at the same time?
What Does It Mean To Be Happy?
I was reading an article in the NY Times this past week and found it somewhat fascinating.
Boston commissioned CoreData Research to conduct a study on money. They conducted an online survey of 300 people worth more than one million dollars.
They found that money DOES buy happiness or peace of mind first and then joy.
Time spent with friends and family was the sacrifice for peace and happiness.
Many who were surveyed found that their lives suffered because they were so busy with their businesses that they couldn’t spend as much time with their loved ones as they were working.
“But life with money is not all Champagne and caviar. The respondents said that their wealth made them feel satisfied and grateful, but it also gave them a greater sense of responsibility.
Many cherish the way their wealth allows them to spend time with their families, but some regret losing the family time they had sacrificed in the pursuit of financial freedom.
Others stated that their businesses allowed them to spend more time with their loved ones.
The last two books I have read have stated the same concept in their pages.
The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and Crush It! both state that the most significant way to grow wealth rapidly is to have your own business.
The article from the NY Times also discusses these people running their businesses. It seems to run your own business; there is no cap on your income. The sky is the limit!
What Does It Mean To Be Frugal?
Personal finance is always personal. Are you a frugal person?
Most of us have heard of extreme cases of cheapskate living, where people pick leaves to use as toilet paper and go through the bakery’s garbage for their day-old bagels.
That is extreme, for sure. But you can be frugal without being excessive.
There is more to it than just being cheap. It has to do with value. The Simple Dollar website explains that it’s the most bang for your buck.
They use the trash bag example. If you buy the cheapest trash bags, but they break open if you fill them more than halfway, it’s a waste of money, and you are paying a lot more for those trash bags than you think.
Investing in better quality will save you more in the long run.
It is also about spending with intention. You don’t go to Target and spend $300 without even knowing what you bought. You go in with a list of the things that you need and get only what’s on that list.
Frugal living is about looking at the bigger picture and not just living for today. It means understanding what you want your life to look like in the future and taking steps toward making that happen.
It is not about YOLO (you only live once) mentality instead of living well with happiness and peace in your heart, with as little stress and anxiety as possible.
This is where minimalism and frugalism partner well — getting the best bang for your buck.
How Can You Be Frugal And Happy?
Before we can go any further, you need to understand exactly what brings you happiness in the first place.
What about your financial situation makes you unhappy? Is it that you don’t have enough money or that you are giving it all away to the wrong people? Or is it both?
Do you think the same type of peace of mind and happiness can come from being debt-free and living frugally?
We all wouldn’t mind a few more dollars in our pockets.
Some of us will have the drive and determination to go bigger and become one of these people in this study. But becoming debt-free and being able to invest your money into something that will make money for you instead of making money for someone else is a high starting point.
I believe that money can buy happiness, even if it’s not on the million-dollar scale but on the debt-free level.
How much happier and at peace would you be if you were debt-free and could put all that interest you are paying into your dreams instead of into the pockets of your creditors?
Here Are 12 Ways To Feel Joy And Frugality
Get Out Of Debt.
Debt will drain you of so much happiness. The theory of debt “just being the way it is” is entirely false, and whatever source tells you that needs to be turned off.
Living debt-free can and should be done. Imagine the possibilities you could have if you didn’t owe anyone anything.
It could be glorious. Think of the happiness factor of being debt-free. It’s not easy, but it is more than possible.
Stop giving all your money away to things and people who are just not worthy of all your hard work. Save money instead.
Give your time and your money to people and animals in need. Do give away your money to things you value the most. We are all here to serve each other.
Find someone or something that needs you and experience the joy at that moment.
Babysit for your nieces and nephews so your sister can use that gift card to the spa you got her last Christmas.
Pay for grocery delivery for your Grammy.
Volunteer at the food pantry.
Buy mittens for the preschoolers.
Manage Time.
This is related to the trash bag example above. Realizing what’s most important is a part of being frugal and happy.
It isn’t always about not spending money, but spending the money to get the most bang for your buck, right?
Buy time for yourself by hiring someone to mow your lawn so you can spend time with the ones you love.
Hire out those everyday time-suckers, like cleaning your home, so you can spend more time building your side hustle.
Plan so you are not running around frantic trying to decide on dinner and then ordering out because you have no idea what to make, and now you are just too tired to think.
Be Grateful.
Always. Every day. It’s so hard to be miserable and grateful at the same time. It might be dang impossible.
Some people get up early and practice writing in a journal for everything they are grateful for.
Some look in the mirror and say those things.
Some will stop in a moment of frustration and remember why you are doing what you are doing. It is not about you. It is about the bigger picture, and you are grateful for the things and opportunities you have.
Practice Minimalism.
Spending money on things you need is one thing, but going out every weekend to shop for stuff you don’t need is another.
It might make you happy for a few hours, but it won’t continue to make you happy in the long run.
Buying stuff with straightforward intention is vital. Remember to live and embrace those extraordinary things.
Consider the items you already have, and remember what makes you happy.
The candy dish on your shelf used to be on the table at your gram’s house, full of butterscotch and hard peppermint candies.
The blanket that your aunt made and gave to you because she wanted you to have it.
The art was made from your son’s foot when he was seven months old.
It’s ok to have stuff, but just make sure that stuff makes you happy and “brings you joy.”
And you know not buying will save money.
Find Like-Minded People.
Surround yourself with kind, frugal people who think like you and can lift you up when you start to feel discouraged or frustrated. These people can cheer you on.
You do get to choose your friends and those you hang out with. Why not surround yourself with those who will add value to your life and not drain you of energy?
Choose Honesty.
For some reason, it is tough for humans to be honest. There is guilt or a fear attached to being honest with someone.
Being honest (by no means) should be confused with being mean. If someone asks if you like their sweater, you could say, “It’s not the right color for me.”
There’s honesty.
Not aggression – like “UGH. That’s hideous!!!” Kindness should always be a priority, but you can also be honest.
Real honesty also applies to finances. Choose to be honest with your spouse or partner about those finances. Be honest with yourself about how much debt you have.
There is a calmness about knowing – even if it’s worse than you thought.
Take Control Of Your Life.
Not only financially—and this is a biggie—but everything: how you take care of yourself, how you eat, how you speak to your kids, and how you look at getting up at 5 AM.
You get to choose all of this. You get to choose who you spend time with, how you spend your free time, where you spend (or don’t) your money, what job you do, and who hurts your feelings.
You need to grab the reins and take control of everything and more: your life and your happiness. Live simply.
Create A Budget.
Trust me when I say that you can be happier when you know where your money is going. Even if it’s going someplace, you would rather it not go to student loans or take out. Take control and track your finances. When you know, you can do better.
Maya Angelou said it best: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
As stated above, creating a budget will give you knowledge and control. It will provide you with a plan to spend time and energy on what’s most important to you.
For example, you are a giver. You love to give.
There is a benefit coming up for a friend of yours from high school who has cancer.
Knowing your budget and having a sinking fund for gifts and giving, you know you have $40 this month to make up a movie and candy basket for the basket raffle at the firehouse next weekend.
You can also go help serve spaghetti because it is also important for you to give your time.
Find Free Or Cheap Fun.
Know what makes you smile, and do more of it. Understanding what makes you smile can give you the knowledge to focus on those things and live.
Are you someone who loves the snow? Pull out those snowshoes you haven’t used since you were 24 and revive the joy of the great snow belt of Upstate NY.
I love books. It’s been a long time since I pulled out a good fiction book and spent the entire day getting lost among the pages.
How about grabbing a friend and trying a new coffee spot?
Garage sales?
Car shows?
Crawling into bed and watching The Office? (I enjoy this sometimes. My friend Beck and I call it “The Bubble”).
Know Who You Are.
Understanding who you are, including your strengths and weaknesses, will allow you to have true happiness.
If you know you are weak in Target, only go once a month WITH A LIST and stay out the rest of the time.
Use cash only if you know you are irresponsible with any credit or debit card. I have explained this technique in this blog post.
If you know planning a benefit spaghetti dinner gives you terrible anxiety, leave that to someone else and offer your famous spaghetti sauce as a donation.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will guide you to a happier, healthier lifestyle. It can also give you a whole new list of goals to improve on.
Make More Money.
It is coming back full circle here. Money can buy happiness, peace of mind, and the ability to give the way you genuinely want to.
So what happens if you are in debt but still long to give? Well, make more money.
Try that side hustle. Understand that, like the NY Times article mentioned above, you are limited to how much you can make in most jobs when you work for someone else.
Owning your own business will give you much more potential. In this blog post, I discussed making more money.
It may all come down to HOW you spend your money, whether it genuinely brings you happiness.
Final Thoughts On How To Be Frugal And Happy
These are my top 12 tips for living frugally and happily. Money does play a role here, but it all depends on how you perceive it.
A certain amount of financial security comes with having enough money and living a frugal lifestyle. This can either come from making more or spending less.
People feel that the more money they have, the happier they will be, and while that might be true, managing that money will bring you a lot closer to happiness than anything else.
Where is your money going, and what kind of satisfaction do you get from taking it there? Leave a comment below to share.
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